Texas Paralegal Guy PMA


SPC Process Group

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SPC Process Group

  • Public Group
  • 3 years, 4 months ago
  • 0


  • 1



Proper steps to becoming an SPC and discharging debts.




1. Complete your SPC APPLICATION HERE:
Upload your Certificate of Live Birth (Full Record from the Secretary of State) :
Upload your SS Card
Debtor address must be different from the Secured Party (Get a PO BOX or use a separate address)
Must have at least One Beneficiary (can be a minor person, relative or company name)

2. Go to SecuredParty.Store to purchase the SPC PACKAGE on the site

3. Documents can take between 7 to 21 days to complete. For expedited services, click here to purchase in the portal:
24 to 48 Hours Expedited Service

4. Check the PORTAL under DOCUMENTS for YOUR SPC DOCUMENTS and Proof Read them for any ERRORS

5. If everything is CORRECT, reply to the email, We will send you the FINAL SPC COPY, so you can proceed to SETTING UP BANK ACCOUNT AND EIN to continue